Monday, April 17, 2006


Continuing my effort to illicitly publish my friend's work, I am hereby making an unauthorized posting of pepperluboff's "A HOLD." Pepper is awesome and this is my favorite poem of hers.


They blob together;
they fuzz into flesh static,
sticky with graviy:
Smack, Smack.
An untrue thing, small and crouched,
crawls in the periphery: vertigo.
The room spins into a fast brown.
The blood and mind are mercurial;
like gloms to like in love.
But sanity is suface tension,
a film that resists air,
and curves willfully,
sucking in its droplets.
I am centrifugal and
centripetal; my fingers, eyes
and urges catch like spurs
on everything that brushes by.
I mark my losses in a ledger,
and try to herd what I can find
back into me.


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